
About Us

PartMicro Electronics is a distributors of electronics components in China, We are committed to provide comprehensive electronic components supply chain solutions services for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), Original Brand Manufacturers (OBM), Contract Manufactures, Electronic Manufacturer Service (EMS) and Independent Design House (IDH) both in China and overseas. Including Spot Buy, BOM Kitting, Inventory Asset Management, PPV cost down and other Value-Added Services.we specialize in Sever & Storage, Communication Telecom Industrial Electronics, Security & Serveillance, Automotive, Medical and other Electronics industry areas.
  • Debelopment History
    In March 2013, Bai Microelectronics International Co.,...
  • Corporate Vision
    To become a leading distributor of electronic components in...
  • Service Items
    We can provide customers with spot emergency parts procurem...

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